Would your organisation, staff or students benefit from Culture and Diversity Training?
We can provide training for any groups including professionals, community groups, students from primary school to university, medical students. Our training involves a range of learning techniques and group work that encourage active participation. Sessions such as interactive workshops, knowledge based discussions, quizzes and questions time.
Why choose us?
Dundee International Women’s Centre has over 45 years experience in working with diverse cultures, religions and communities. We have the experience, knowledge and understanding that many professionals seek to gain and would benefit from. We know that equipped with this knowledge, individual professionals gain the ability to engage and learn through enhanced contact with diverse communities.
What will you achieve
By sharing good practice you will work towards breaking down barriers: you will develop self awareness and understanding of cultural issues that are often daunting or uncomfortable, aiding future communication and engagement with diverse communities.
Topics can include:
Culture and Tradition
Self Awareness/My Comfort Zones
Political Correctness Gone Mad?
Multicultural Britain and Dundee
Equality Act 2010
Who have we worked with
Primary School Children
Police Service
Fire and Rescue Service
Statutory and non statutory Community Workers and Volunteers
Community Learning and Development Students from the University of Dundee
Primary School Teacher Students from the University of Dundee
Social Work Students from the University of Dundee
Women’s Organisations
Pricing & Booking
Costing is dependant on the number of individuals attending, length of session and activities requested. Sessions can be held at DIWC for no additional cost.
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