Our journey to complete transparency
We are committed to being as transparent as possible and we will happily share any information that meets that aim.
However, we recognise we still have a long way to go. We need to balance our good news stories with the stories that didn’t turn out so well. For example, highlighting the women we were unable to support and the reasons why.
How we measure our impact
We use evaluation and impact measurement tools throughout our services, which enable us to record where our learners come from, what their needs are and how our services help them.
We track their journey through our services, noting the impact as we go. We will continue to refine our impact reporting to ensure there is a balanced approach.
Our transparency goals
We believe in, and will work towards, these three ‘transparency goals':

We will share how we spend your money
We will share the impact of how we spend your money
We will never knowingly overclaim what we do
Annual Impact Reports

Trustee Annual Reports